Although you may take it for granted, your skin is your largest organ. Your skin is the first line of defense and serves as a protective shield from the sun, germs, pollution and more. Get serious about treating it with some respect.
Keep your skin clean. Your skin will absorb a percentage of what comes in contact with it such as gasoline, paint, makeup or other items. The absorption process takes a few seconds and within five minutes your blood will deliver that substance to every organ in your body. It’s important to wash and clean your skin. Always avoid contact with harmful materials.
Use products that contain safe ingredients. Just because an item is sold in a store doesn’t mean it won’t cause you harm. Some of the chemicals in beauty products are linked to cancer. If you don’t know what the ingredients are, do research, look them up and learn more about what you are placing on your skin.
- Drink water. Your body is 60% water. Your skin needs water to stay healthy.
- Eat better. You can improve the foods you consume. Increase fruits and veggies and lower or remove processed foods as much as you can. You are what you eat.
- Increase your exercise. Remember you were made to move. With modern conveniences, your body may not be challenged as much as it needs. Find ways to get moving and increase your circulation and heart rate.
Your skin can change with your environment and you play a role
People living in cold climates during the winter are usually low in Vitamin D. People in sunny, warmer climates tend to have more sun damage. People in large urban areas are inhaling and absorbing more toxins from air pollution.
- Find out from your doctor if you are deficient in any vitamins/minerals and what you need to add to your diet to improve your overall health.
- Evaluate where you live and take steps to improve your environment locally. Each person can make a difference because there are over 7.9 billion humans on the planet. Keep that in mind when you leave your car idling, waste food or purchase things you don’t need. You can contribute to the planet’s health.
- Learn to be more eco-conscious with green groups
- You have the power to stop buying plastic, harmful chemicals, wasteful cars or oversized homes.
Your health and the health of the planet can be overwhelming and it’s never too late to start acting. Each day is an opportunity to walk away from bad habits and wastefulness and to make wiser choices. Embrace simplicity and remember what truly matters in life.
Ideas and information
- Green Tips – “One thing you can do today” on the Truly-Life social media feeds:Instagram @trulylife2008
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