How often do we consider the power of receptivity and positive thinking as curative tools? How can we use receptivity and positive thinking as instruments for self healing?
The task of writing about receptivity is particularly timely for me because I recently participated in several sacred medicinal sweat lodge ceremonies with the Shamans at Receiving the medicine and allowing it to work in the way it was intended in order to heal is at the forefront of all these ceremonies. Receiving the medicine and surrendering to its wisdom is a spiritual process meant to humble us, shift our consciousness, allow us to forgive, encourage us to let go of negativity and come back to our heart, returning us to love.
What is the Altar of the Medicine Sweat Lodge?
Shamans teach us to receive all the gifts life offers us – the joys and the sorrows – the important lessons life offers us even in the darkest of times. I’ve had the honor of participating in many indigenous sacred ceremonies over the last fifteen years. These ceremonies have become the most important part of my inner work and healing. Each time is different. When I am open to receive whatever the medicine brings to me and when I trust that I’ll receive exactly what I need, I always receive incredible insights, growth and wisdom.
Receiving the Gift In Times of Trial
This year I was asked to be a contributing author to a book called Sacred Death by Hemali Vora. In my chapter, I ex
plain how even in one most difficult times of my life there was a great gift for me to receive.
“…As I walked away from my aunt in the physical for the last time, I felt complete. My life would never be the same
, and certainly not for my cousins. But she died as she lived, with those around her she loved the most and who loved her most. She wouldn’t have had it any other way. I was present to how grateful I was to have experienced a mother’s true, endearing and unconditional love. Her boundless generosity of self and limitless love still astounds me to this day, so many years later.”
— Melissa McGlone, Sacred Death Chapter 20
Receptivity = Positive Emotions = Greater Happiness = Better Health
Twenty-three years ago, when I was diagnosed with the “worst case of endometriosis the doctor had ever seen,” receptivity and positive thinking both became a significant part of my own spiritual journey. The doctors were convinced I’d never have children and they proposed a hysterectomy.
I made the hard decision to break from convention and try a more holistic approach with the hope that I could heal and conceive. Part of that approach was healing on an emotional level from deep-rooted traumas which had contributed to dis-ease in my body. I also would need to cleanse and purify my body using the Ann Wigmore Living Foods Lifestyle.
As part of my ninety-day healing journey I made a visualization board which became a powerful and transformative outlet. I explain this in my soon to be published book about practical ways to approach healing, wellness and self-care:
…”I would add to my board the wonderful cards and letters family and friends wrote to me over that summer for inspiration. Paul, the father of my future children, had given me a gorgeous picture of a little girl with curly brown ringlets and the biggest, most beautiful blue eyes you’d ever seen, decked out in Christmas finery. I think it was an ad for a diamond jewelry company as she was holding a string of jewels. It was a representation of “our little girl.” Come to find out indeed that little girl would manifest, with beautiful brown eyes and ringlets of spun golden brown hair.”
— Melissa McGlone, Drinking Blueberries, Chapter 9
I used the power of positive thinking to empower myself by truly believing that I could get pregnant and to open myself to receive the gift of pregnancy. I began buying baby clothes from The Purple Goose in Del Ray, Alexandria, VA even while doctors were insisting that I was infertile. I imagined my life as a pregnant mama as if it had already happened.
Whatever the magic formula was (there were many ingredients), I’m convinced receptivity and positive thinking greatly contributed to me having two children in the end. Here are my kids, the ones the doctors said would never be, all grown up and off to college this year.