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Agenda: Alexandria — Advancing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Alexandria

January 25, 2021
6:30 PM
FREE – Live online 6:30-8pm


Advancing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Alexandria

In response to the murder of George Floyd, deep inequities in COVID-19 outcomes between people of color and their white counterparts, and the recent presidential election, Americans are engaging in a new conversation about race and structural racism. At a local level, Alexandria is not immune from these issues and therefore cannot escape these conversations. Yet sometimes it seems as though we are talking past each other instead of listening and engaging in a dialogue that will move our city forward. Community conversations that bring important stakeholders together to discuss race, equity, and inclusion can help Alexandria’s growth.

What do we as a community need to understand about diversity, equity, and inclusion to engage in better conversation? From an educational perspective, what do important terms such as allyship, racial justice, and microagressions mean? Join us live online Monday, January 25th from 6:30-8pm for a conversation with local and national leaders on what it will take to advance a new dialogue and new action on race, equity and inclusion.

Click here to register for free on Eventbrite

Visit our Facebook event page for more information

Our January Panelists

Bernadette Onyenaka, MS, MPM, Principal & Co-Founder, O&G Racial Equity Collaborative. Prior to starting O&G, Bernadette was a National Urban Fellow at the California Wellness Foundation, where she developed recommendations and best practice for strategies to advance racial equity and innovation.



Sara VanderGoot, Nationally Certified Massage Therapist and Registered Yoga Teacher (e-RYT 200, RYT 500), Co-Owner of Mind the Mat



Jaqueline Tucker is the City of Alexandria’s first Race and Social Equity officer and served as the first East Region Project Manager for the Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE).