May 09, 2022
7:00 PM
Pat Miller Neighborhood Square, 2311 Mt. Vernon Avenue
Alexandria Library will host a conversation with Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch on Monday May 9 at 7 PM on Pat Miller Square at 2311 Mt Vernon Ave, in Del Ray, Alexandria, VA.
Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch discusses her memoir, Lessons from the Edge, the importance of public service, and her efforts to assist Ukraine empower its civil society sector, strengthen its democratic institutions, and fight corruption–key U.S. goals.
A Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Ambassador Yovanovitch has earned the Senior Foreign Service Performance Award eight times and the State Department’s Superior Honor Award on nine occasions. She has also received numerous awards including for service, diplomacy, and human rights.
Join us for this live outdoor event at Pat Miller Square, 2311 Mt. Vernon Avenue, in Del Ray. In the event of rain or inclement weather, the event will be moved indoors. Any announcements about venue changes or cancellations will be posted in this listing.
There will also be a free livestream of the event at delraydave.org.
Ambassador Yovanovitch will be signing copies of Lessons from the Edge before the event at Hooray for Books. The book will be available at the event to purchase.